Tag: 2011 session

Senate GOP leader to propose civil union for gays and straights

Senate Republican Leader Allan Kittleman said Wednesday he will introduce legislation establishing civil unions between both heterosexual and same-sex partners.

“I’ve always felt that we should have equal rights for same-sex couples,” Kittleman said in an interview. “I also think it’s important we protect marriage as an institution.”

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Supporters of dime-a-drink tax hike believe they’re getting closer to victory

Supporters of a major increase in alcohol taxes to support health care believe the election results, legislative committee assignments and a new poll have put them close to their goal of a “dime-a-drink” tax hike.

“We think we’re close to majorities” in both the House Ways & Means Committee and the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee, said Vincent DeMarco, president of the Health Care for All Coalition.

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Offshore wind bill in the works for 2011 General Assembly

A bill requiring utilities to enter into long-term purchasing agreements for wind-generated power is in the works for the 2011 General Assembly, with supporters and opponents getting ready to air the issue.

Prince George’s County Sen. Paul Pinsky and Montgomery County Del. Tom Hucker, both Democrats, are planning to refile legislation similar to the ones they sponsored this year.

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