Tag: 2009 Financial Disclosure form

Montgomery Republicans striving to turn county purple in 2014

With the help of state party leaders and a lot of data, the Montgomery County Republican Party – which boasts the largest number of registered Republicans in the state – launched an all out ground game Saturday at their annual convention in Rockville. Their goal in this targeted effort is to change Montgomery County from blue to purple by the 2014 election.

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Maryland pushes ahead on implementing health care reform

Maryland continues to press ahead with aggressive implementation of federal health care reform. Gov. Martin O’Malley appointed the members of the board of the new Health Benefit Exchange, a key component of the Affordable Care Act, and named the head of the new Office of Health Care Reform on the governor’s staff.

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Gifted governor doesn’t keep most of the presents he gets

Gov. Martin O’Malley probably received the top item on his Christmas list this year on Election Day, but constituents and well-wishers from around the globe are sure to be sending holiday gifts toward Government House to fill in the space under the tree.

As governor of Maryland, O’Malley receives hundreds of gifts each year. According to records from the governor’s office, in 2009, he received 196 gifts. No totals are available for 2010 yet, but O’Malley spokesman Shaun Adamec said that many gifts have come in for the governor so far – especially after the election.

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