Vatz on the case for Larry Hogan

Vatz on the case for Larry Hogan

Angela Alsobrooks and Larry Hogan debate on Maryland Public Television Oct. 10. Michael Ciesielski Photography/Courtesy of Maryland Public Television

This article is the opinion of the author and not an endorsement by Maryland Reporter. Opposing points of view are welcome in the comments.

 The U.S. Senate race between Republican Larry Hogan and Democrat Angela Alsobrooks is by all accounts close but leaning toward Alsobrooks.

I am more than an acquaintance of Gov. Hogan.  He spoke several times to my advanced political Persuasion class at Towson University, and he was beloved by the students.  Full disclosure, he also cancelled an appearance without reason according to his aide, who told me something to the effect that “these things happen.”

I have had but one conversation with Alsobrooks, on July 4 at the Towson Independence Day parade. She came up to me, knowing my conservative tendencies, and conducted a most convivial conversation.  I found her likeable and focused.

The latest likely valid polling reports (Oct. 22), summarized by The Hill, indicate that Alsobrooks is ahead by about 10 percentage points, but, as with most polls, they do not measure intensity or likelihood of voters’ changing their minds.

But this is not a horserace article; it is an assessment by one voter of the quality of the candidates

I look at some of Prince George’s County Executive Alsobrooks and Gov. Larry Hogan’s policy positions, ethics in advocacy and advertising, and their character.


Alsobrooks, like all Democrats this year, wants to focus on abortion, despite Hogan’s consistent support of a “woman’s right to choose.” She has repeatedly aired an ad with a Hogan-disaffected Republican saying that “Republicans could pass a national abortion ban,” cleverly but dishonestly implying that Hogan supports such a law, even though he explicitly says that he does not.

Critical Policy

According to the Baltimore Sun, which supports Alsobrooks, she said in their one debate that “She supports a Democratic plan to expand the Supreme Court from nine justices to 13.”  There is no issue that reveals a candidate’s disrespect for the Constitution more than his or her support for what permanently compromised the legacy of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt: his hare-brained support for packing the Supreme Court in the 1930s.  The independence of the judicial branch is critical to our democracy and only political naifs or ill-motivated politicians dare to even bring it up.

Foreign Policy

It is impossible to discuss senatorial policy without looking at foreign policy and, in particular, support of Israel.

Hogan is completely supportive of Israel, while Alsobrooks supports Israel conditionally, comparable to President Biden and Vice President Harris. Alsobrooks always has exceptions to her support and is willing to cut off aid if Israel is not sufficiently yielding to U.S. interests, and she supports a “Two-State Solution,” perceived, correctly it says here,  as a capitulation by Israel after the Oct. 7 attacks.  Hogan has supported Israel unequivocally, including speaking up and refusing to yield to anti-Semitic policies at the Ivy League universities.

Hogan is supportive of the United States’ support of Ukraine, as all of those serious about foreign policy should be.

Character: Little if anything to see here

Noise: There are issues that seem either irrelevant or non-dispositive that float around all elections.  There is evidence that Alsobrooks received some tax breaks that she did not deserve, but unlike politicians like Marilyn Mosby, there are indications that Alsobrooks is making sincere efforts to rectify any legal and financial jeopardy in which she finds herself.

Some are trying to make a material deal out of Hogan’s running as a Republican, and the argument goes, if he considers himself independent, why doesn’t he run as an independent? This is what logicians call a false equivocation of terms:  a candidate may consider himself or herself not wed to certain views of his party.  This is being independent without being an Independent.  Joe Manchin was a Democrat for the longest time while being politically independent, for example.  Independents (upper case), who reject their party’s philosophy at times, include people like Ralph Nader and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Hogan in 2020 voted for Ronald Reagan for president, and I voted for Gov. Robert Ehrlich.  Two conservatives who had doubts about their presidential candidates.

All in all, the more experienced and responsible Senate candidate for Maryland is Larry Hogan.  There is still time to elect the better nominee.

About The Author

Richard Vatz

Richard E. Vatz Ph.D. retired from Towson University in January 2023 wherein he served for almost a half-century and was the longest serving member of The Academic Senate. He is Author of The Only Authentic of Persuasion: the Agenda-Spin Model (Authors Press, 2022)

1 Comment

  1. Mike

    Your dishonesty is only second to Larry Hogan. You conveniently forgot to mention that his step mother profited from state project. That his family and Clients of his brokerage that he was actively involved in managing it got state project that he voted for in the PWC


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