The importance of meditation

The importance of meditation

Image by Shahariar Lenin from Pixabay

Meditation has become increasingly popular in the past few decades as a form of psychotherapy. Developed over centuries, meditation refers to a process of self-instruction in which one focuses his attention. For example, when you are sitting upright in a chair, you are meditating. Meditation can be practiced on a formal or informal basis. Meditation has many benefits; it has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, improve your mental and physical health and creativity, reduce blood pressure and heart rate, and even create spiritual enlightenment.

The word meditation derives from Latin ‘meditari’, which means to think, contemplate or consider deeply. In the 12th century, the Latin word ‘medicus’ also meant physician; in other words, a person who understands medicine. Therefore, the term ‘medicate’ came from the same source as ‘meditation.’ Today, the word ‘meditation’ is commonly used to describe both practices. In addition to describing a spiritual way of life, meditation also describes the act of meditating. In meditation, you focus your attention on something such as your breath or a visualisation technique. People use meditation to calm their minds, relieve stress and discover inner peace.

Meditation is a practice that has spiritual and religious undertones, it’s not easy to do, that why you need to teach yourself how to meditate. It’s also used to help people relax and stay calm. Many different forms of meditation exist, including Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), yoga and tai chi. It’s usually practiced in silence, but that’s not necessary. Meditation can be done with music or a microphone to create an auditory effect. People who meditate usually report positive effects such as improved mental and physical health, stress reduction, increased focus and relaxation. However, meditation is a practice that requires commitment- and it’s not for everyone. It can also help with Dry cough after smoking.

Several studies show that meditating daily improves physical health. People with cardiovascular diseases have even seen improvements in their blood pressure and cholesterol levels after just ten days of regular meditation. Researchers have found that people with high blood pressure saw the biggest improvements in this regard. Focusing your attention on your breath or your mental awareness seems to reduce stress and anxiety as well as heart rate and blood pressure levels. This reduces the negative health effects associated with chronic stress and anxiety. Many people use meditation to help them cope with physical pain; they use it to reduce the intensity of their symptoms while increasing their mental well-being. In these situations, meditation heals the body as much as it heals the mind.

You can also use mindfulness to meditate. Mindfulness is a state of being that allows us to be in the present moment, and to have a greater sense of awareness. Mindfulness is not about trying to suppress our thoughts or feelings; it’s about accepting them, observing them and letting them go. When we are mindful we can: Notice how our body feels when we are stressed or happy; notice how other people feel around us; notice what sounds around us are like (for example, if you hear birds singing then you can relax); notice where your focus goes when you think of something else – for example, if you find yourself.

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