What Should I Know About INV Center Broker?

What Should I Know About INV Center Broker?

Image by Ahmad Ardity from Pixabay

If you were a victim of an INV Center scam, don’t panic! In this detailed review, we give you an easy solution to get your hard-earned money back.

What is a broker INV Center?

INV Center is owned by Advanced Software Solutions LTD, with headquarters in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The company is unregulated, which means that INV Center broker doesn’t have a regulatory body standing behind its activities.

Although the website claims that they are regulated by ESME and AML policies, that is not true since this broker couldn’t be found in any regulatory body register, which raises several red flags. Working without any regulations allows the company to operate all around the world, US excluded.

They often run their business within Europe, mainly the UK, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, and Austria. We can also assume that they operate in South Africa since they have a SA number for support.

If you want to learn more, keep reading our INV Center review.

How can INV Center take your money?

All unregulated brokers usually work the same way; you probably came across an ad that somehow wants to change your life for the better in just a few clicks. Take a shot and apply. Shortly after, you are contacted by an agent.

Who’s got all the significant words, often promising unrealistic profits, profits that sound too good to be true. The agent will do anything to help you get started, and while you are making the first deposit, you are also giving them information about yourself. All of this is later used by a much more experienced agent whose job is to take the rest of your money.

Once you get involved with a company like this, you will see how easy it is for your funds to be gone in just a few days. This will be explained by a market error or, worse, by your own mistake; it is never the agent’s fault.

But really, at the end of the day, does it matter who’s at fault when your money is gone? There is also a big chance you will never hear from the company again once the funds disappear.

INV Center Warning:

There are many warnings against this broker by many regulatory bodies:

  • UK FCA
  • Belgium FSMA
  • Portuguese CMVM
  • Italian CONSOB
  • Austrian FMA

All of them stated the same – INV Center is an unregulated scam that you should know of. In case of issues, report them immediately.

What to do if you have already gotten into the hands of a scammer?

Unfortunately, this is happening to many people, so don’t feel bad if you were a victim of fraud. If you have been scammed by this broker, you must take action immediately! Chargeback is your solution, and we know how to help!

Contact us; our support will guide you through the procedure from the beginning till the end.

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