Tag: Bill Campbell

At the first mile-marker in the money race for the 2014 campaign

Money can’t buy you love, but in campaigns, it can buy you lots of other things: attention, status, respect, advertising, mailers, staff and headlines. The candidates with the most money don’t always win. But they win most of the time since they often happen to be incumbents. An incumbent in any office with solid money in the bank, high name recognition and low negatives will win.

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Comptroller hopeful Campbell says Md. at risk for financial catastrophe”

Bill Campbell has been the chief financial officer for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, for the Coast Guard and for Amtrak, and now he’s looking to become CFO for the state of Maryland.

“I think Maryland is in very severe financial straits,” Campbell said. That’s why the Republican is running for elected office for the first time, hoping to challenge Democratic Comptroller Peter Franchot in the fall. “I’m deeply concerned that we are about to have a financial catastrophe.”

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