Day: September 11, 2012

Both sides gear up for same-sex marriage fight

Gay rights activists, religious leaders and politicians are gearing up for two months of campaigning on the Maryland referendum to strike down same-sex marriage legislation that passed in March.

Hot off the political conventions in Tampa and Charlotte, volunteers will be staffing nightly phone banks, canvassing door-to-door and finding ways to make same-sex marriage a personal issue for voters.

State Roundup, September 11, 2012

State Dems drop a bombshell as Wendy Rosen resigns from challenging U.S. Rep. Harris amid allegations she voted in national elections in both Maryland and Florida. Dems notify prosecutors and the GOP calls the state Democratic Party corrupt; Gov. O’Malley plans another trip to Israel; MGM throws in $3 million to get casino referendum passed; non-religious people unite in lobby effort; and Ken Ulman on race for the governor’s house.

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